RECENTLY the government launched its Uraan Pakistan plan to revitalise economy. However, it is likely to face a tough challenge. It is hard to convert consumer- and import-oriented economy into an industrialised- and export-based one.

Besides, the energy crisis, frequent internet disruptions, the scourge of red-tape, official hurdles, political unc-ertainty, law and order, and the menace of terrorism would be some of the huge challenges for the government to overcome. Also, a coalition government has to make compromises in order to keep the partners happy.

Since the creation of Pakistan, ambitious economic plans, including much-touted five-year plans, have contributed little to sustainable growth. As such, the inflow of dollars during the Cold War, the Afghan war, the so-called ‘war on terror’ did result in economic ‘growth’, but as soon as the country lost strategic importance, the economy was forced to slide downwards.

One hopes political forces would put party and personal interests behind, and focus on the national interest. That is the only way the Uraan Pakistan plan will have at least a chance to take off. Else, it would remain a plan without wings.

Gulsher Panhwer

Published in Dawn, January 16th, 2025



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