Past to the present In reality, much power has to be exercised to prove that power is power. Arifa Noor
The spoke in the right wheel A more immediate challenge faces Modi on his visit to Washington. Jawed Naqvi
IMF scrutiny Strengthening foundations of the economic superstructure will help make the economy competitive and boost growth.
Shadow voices OVER the weekend, another ‘open letter’ addressed to the army chief and attributed to former prime minister ...
Paradise at a premium PAKISTAN’S recent triumph at the New York Travel and Adventure Show 2025, winning the Best Partner Pavilion Award,...
How new cybercrime law puts digital rights at stake Vague language and harsh punishments mean anyone can face prosecution for what they say or do online.
EXPLAINER: How new cybercrime law puts digital rights at stake Vague language and harsh punishments mean anyone can face prosecution for what they say or do online. Abdul Moiz Malik
Pakistani blocs intensify lobbying before Trump’s inauguration Ambassador Rizwan Sheikh’s schedule filled to brim with "meetings on the Hill"; PTI-allied diaspora groups set to hold Congressional briefing on 22nd. Anwar Iqbal
PPP, PML-N marriage of convenience likely to endure Analysts believe "the common adversary" will compel both parties to stay part of the alliance, held together with the establishment’s support.
Red Line is a route that’s going nowhere THE Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Red Line project at University Road in Karachi is a nightmare as well as a nuisance not...
Enslaved Sindh RECENTLY, protesters held a sit-in and refused to bury the bodies of their dear ones who had been killed in a cattle...
The battle inside WAR is a constant in human history. In hunter-gatherer societies, people resorted to aggression to preserve...
Making roads safer AS a patrol officer with the National Highways and Motorway Police (NHMP), I have witnessed numerous accidents. But...
The 51st US state BEFORE and after the inauguration ceremony, United States President Donald Trump announced a number of policy...
LONG QUEUES LONG QUEUES: I recently had to catch a mid-morning flight to Sharjah, which usually is a relaxing time due to ...
From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1975: Fifty Years Ago: N.A.P. banned RAWALPINDI: The Government of Pakistan today [Feb 10] dissolved the National Awami Party and forfeited all ...
From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1975: Fifty Years Ago: Sherpao buried PESHAWAR: NWFP Senior Minister Hayat Mohammad Khan Sherpao was today [Feb 9] laid to rest amidst wails and cries by...
From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1975: Fifty Years Ago: Sherpao killed PESHAWAR: NWFP Senior Minister Hayat Mohammad Khan Sherpao was killed in a bomb blast here today [Feb 8]. Earlier,...
OTHER VOICES : Punjab Press : Peanuts for the people ...[T]HE government tends to have the federal budget approved hurriedly while playing up its ‘successes’ in...
OTHER VOICES: Pashto Press: Afghan polls: second phase AFGHANISTAN has announced that the second phase of its presidential election [will take place on] June 14. ... Dr...
OTHER VOICES: Far East Press: Top security official DEFENCE Minister Kim Kwan-jin’s hawkish stance against North Korea has made him No. 1 target of Pyongyang’s...