NEW YORK: The WikiLeaks documents reveal that Israeli intelligence agency Mossad was concerned for former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf’s well-being and wanted him to remain in power in 2007. The revelation was made in a secret cable message originating from the American embassy in Tel Aviv.
It records a meeting between Mossad chief and US Under-Secretary of State Nicholas Burns under the Bush administration.
Mr Burns met Mossad chief Meir Dagan on Aug 17, 2007, to give his assessment of the Middle East region, Pakistan and Turkey.
The Israeli spy chief said he was concerned about how long President Musharraf would survive.
“He is facing a serious problem with the militants. Pakistan’s nuclear capability could end up in the hands of an Islamic regime.”
Dagan observed that Musharraf appeared to be losing control and his coalition partners could threaten him in the future.
He linked Musharraf’s retaining control over Pakistan to his dual president and commander-in-chief role.
The cable says that if Musharraf cannot retain his army role, he will have problems.
The Mossad chief referred to attempts on Musharaf’s life and wondered whether he could survive the coming years.
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