From Kurrachee to Karachi: A Nostalgic Journey through Time via Vintage Postcards, Photographs and Paintings
Safdar Nensey
A book that takes readers back to a time when Karachi was a cleaner, less crowded, spacious and better kept city. The author shares a trove of priceless photographs and postcards from his own collections, along with specially commissioned illustrations, to showcase the city’s architectural marvels unsullied by pollution, encroachments and damage wrought by time.

Pakistan: Principles of Public Policy Redefined
Zafar U. Ahmed
Intended as a guide for politicians, media analysts, academics, researchers and citizen activists, this book seeks to examine the socio-economic conditions of the country and offers suggestions on how to improve the extant situation. Topics include governance, the justice system, the agricultural sphere and the mismanagement of water, education, vocational training, healthcare, social protection and welfare, science, technology and foreign assistance.
Published in Dawn, Books & Authors, July 26th, 2020
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