Ishrat Husain

Home-grown economic plans

Home-grown economic plans

Implementing these reforms would be painful the first three years but by year five, the government can show stabilisation and growth revival. Updated 08 Jun, 2024 08:56am
The ‘awam’ and reform

The ‘awam’ and reform

Expressions of fear that reforms would hurt the people are a ruse to protect elite interests. Updated 22 Jan, 2023 08:44am
Don’t disrupt democracy

Don’t disrupt democracy

While there may be reforms, progress and prosperity under authoritarian regimes, these do not last long. Updated 05 Jan, 2023 09:10am
High Time To Live In The Modern World

High Time To Live In The Modern World

A once thriving industrial sector was thrown off track by Bhutto’s nationalisation policies. Dr Ishrat Hussain asserts that only Published 14 Aug, 2022 07:12am
Remodelling The Red-tape Brigade

Remodelling The Red-tape Brigade

Transforming an antiquated and complacent bureaucracy into a force capable of excellence in service delivery will not be an easy Published 14 Aug, 2022 07:12am
The Bangladesh story

The Bangladesh story

Despite bitter political rivalries, Bangladesh has been able to forge ahead. How did this happen? Published 16 Dec, 2021 07:06am
Balochistan’s development

Balochistan’s development

The structural impediments that have kept the province at a disadvantage can be offset by proactive, strategic interventions. Updated 18 Nov, 2021 07:49am
Financing climate transition

Financing climate transition

Climate change is in fact a major opportunity for promoting sustainable economic growth. Published 04 Nov, 2021 06:43am
Markets and disinformation

Markets and disinformation

Journalists should be allowed to work freely as Pakistan's weak investor sentiment can't bear burden of an avalanche of fake news. Updated 21 Oct, 2021 08:08am
Collapse of an elitist state

Collapse of an elitist state

Despite transgressions committed by the Taliban in their earlier regime, ordinary Afghans had no trust in successive Afghan govts. Updated 29 Sep, 2021 08:59am


To contextualise the present, one must look back and understand the past. Eos presents selected passages from the Published 05 May, 2019 06:49am
Capacity to reform

Capacity to reform

Public-sector institutions must be revitalised for the incoming government to fulfil its promises. Updated 13 Aug, 2018 09:47am
Expectations & delivery gap

Expectations & delivery gap

The economy requires intensive care and can be resuscitated only by combined efforts. Updated 06 Aug, 2018 09:55am
Economic policymaking

Economic policymaking

Top-down driven, whimsical and ad hoc policies have done much damage to the economy. Updated 30 Jul, 2018 08:13am
Expat Pakistani talent

Expat Pakistani talent

There are few incentives for highly educated youth to return home and apply their expertise here. Published 11 Jun, 2018 07:11am
A pragmatic foreign policy

A pragmatic foreign policy

Our relationships with our neighbours should be determined by economic interests rather than politics. Published 30 Sep, 2017 06:01am
Chinese perceptions of CPEC

Chinese perceptions of CPEC

The Chinese have voiced concerns regarding negative CPEC talk, security and red tape. Updated 12 Sep, 2017 11:16am