Published December 9, 2023

FOOD WASTAGE: Wasting food is a growing practice which has become a matter of great concern today. Wasting food, simply put, is wasting resources. Food waste occurs at every stage of the supply chain, from production and distribution to storage and consumption. However, by being mindful of one’s food choices, planning meals ahead of time, and properly storing leftovers, one can help minimise waste and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious meals. We must all fight together against food wastage and create a more sustai- nable future for generations to come.

Nadil Rahim Baksh

THREAT TO SURVIVAL: Arnold Toynbee, the renowned British historian, once propounded the theory of ‘challenge and response’. Toynbee theorised that those who cope with their changing environments can survive and the rest will face death; a certain death. Thus, a society can only survive and forge its way ahead if it can effectively respond to the changes taking place in the surroundings. Keeping in view the theorisation, we can see that our society has grown incapable of responding to the growing challenges of politics, economy, population and education. All these challenges, as rightly said by the historian, pose a threat to our survival.

Anwar Sayab Khan

USELESS PUPPET: The United Nations was established to unite all countries under the banner of peace, and avoid conflicts that used to wipe off cities in the past. Sadly, Gaza has been reduced to rubble and ashes. Thousands of people, including children, have become victims of a heinous genocide, and many wait to have a similar fate. The bloodshed in Gaza has exposed the true face of the United Nations. While the powerful countries openly extend their support to the tyrant, the UN acts as a mere puppet. Was it formed to watch the bloodshed and suffering as a spectator? Does it have the power to do what its own charter states?

Ifrah Shahbaz

Published in Dawn, December 9th, 2023



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