Basil Nabi Malik

Revolutionary change

Revolutionary change

We seek to upend everything because it’s easier to look forward to something new than look back at something ugly Published 27 Jul, 2024 06:07am
Appointing a chief justice

Appointing a chief justice

Without declared and established criteria for appointing a chief justice, whispers of manipulation or favouritism may follow. Updated 05 Jul, 2024 09:00am
Waiting to practise

Waiting to practise

The process of enrolment at the apex court is tedious, and is made more cumbersome by procedural bottlenecks along the way. Published 10 May, 2024 08:09am
No lessons learnt

No lessons learnt

Difficult questions will have to be asked, no matter how problematic. Updated 03 May, 2024 09:00am
Becoming a judge

Becoming a judge

Why is a judge’s role considered so onerous? For a number of reasons. Updated 27 Jan, 2024 11:16am
Great expectations

Great expectations

There is a perception that the SC shall always be beholden to personal likes and dislikes of certain senior judges. Updated 21 Oct, 2023 08:48am
No grand plan

No grand plan

Most institutions treat the Constitution like a magazine we read to kill time, as opposed to a document that must be adhered to in letter and spirit. Updated 09 Aug, 2023 09:14am
Not a numbers game

Not a numbers game

The real issue is the significance of what was said by the judges on either side of the divide. Updated 14 Apr, 2023 09:17am
Inconvenient truths

Inconvenient truths

The problem isn’t simply the army, politicians, or the judiciary, and how they’ve made a hash of things. Updated 24 Mar, 2023 09:45am
A method to political madness

A method to political madness

If everyone indulges in political games, then who’s left doing their portion of the work? Updated 18 Nov, 2022 08:47am
No saviours

No saviours

Unlike before, the sense of doom and gloom seems to have eclipsed all traditional beacons of hope. Updated 22 Oct, 2022 09:05am
The cost of no criteria

The cost of no criteria

Would controversies have arisen about judges’ appointments if open criteria had been announced? Updated 15 Jul, 2022 08:55am
Implementing the law

Implementing the law

The line between ‘implementable’ and ‘wishful thinking’ is a fine one indeed. Published 10 Mar, 2022 08:04am
When night turns into day

When night turns into day

It is not about disagreeing with the majority or ‘plurality’, but the manner in which such disagreement presents itself. Published 14 Feb, 2022 07:57am
The elephant in the room

The elephant in the room

What are the baseline benchmarks and standards in the JCP’s overall decision-making methods? Published 13 Jan, 2022 06:58am
Selective due process

Selective due process

As a society, we tend to establish guilt before innocence and decide before we deliberate. Published 30 Sep, 2021 06:39am