Zafar Mirza

Implementing PHC primer

Implementing PHC primer

A global report on PHC implementation serves as an excellent reference work. Updated 28 Jun, 2024 09:23am
New politics at last

New politics at last

Human resilience is raising its head; a breath of fresh air seems to be finding its way in. Updated 31 May, 2024 09:01am
Road to UHC

Road to UHC

The path to universal health coverage in KP is being paved. Updated 03 May, 2024 09:34am


Universal health insurance for hospitalised patients can’t be equated with UHC. Published 19 Apr, 2024 07:11am
The Lancet and colonialism

The Lancet and colonialism

In reinforcing existing prejudices and inequities, the journal reflected its times. Updated 05 Apr, 2024 11:17am
PHC and ‘qPHC’

PHC and ‘qPHC’

More deaths occur as a result of the poor quality of healthcare than the lack of access. Updated 08 Mar, 2024 09:22am
Intersectoral health

Intersectoral health

There are 30 high-priority intersectoral health interventions for Pakistan. Updated 26 Jan, 2024 09:44am
Essential health services

Essential health services

The principle of prioritising health services applies to all healthcare organisations. Updated 12 Jan, 2024 09:53am
Strengthening quality PHC

Strengthening quality PHC

Boosting primary care would be solid advancement towards achieving universal health coverage in Pakistan. Published 29 Dec, 2023 07:56am
Thinking Healthy Programme

Thinking Healthy Programme

The WHO Thinking Healthy manual is based upon research conducted in Pakistan. Updated 15 Dec, 2023 09:09am
Robotic priorities

Robotic priorities

Cost of four robotic surgery systems equals a year of basic healthcare for 1.15m people in rural Sindh. Updated 01 Dec, 2023 09:08am
Waste not the crises

Waste not the crises

Fundamental shifts are needed in our economic and development policies. Updated 20 Oct, 2023 09:45am
In pursuit of quality PHC

In pursuit of quality PHC

Primary healthcare needs serious, sincere and sustained policy and fiscal attention. Updated 08 Sep, 2023 08:54am