Cherishing the beauty of sunrise
This is regarding the article “Cherishing the beauty of sunrise” by Aariz Omar (YW, March 9). Nature is brimming with beautiful phenomena. If one wakes up early in the morning, before sunrise, and engages in activities like walking or jogging, they’ll find that throughout the day, they will remain active and their mood fresh.
Moreover, walking at sunrise can also improve cardiovascular health and promote better sleep patterns.
Kinayat Shafi,
A tree in the desert
This concerns the story “A tree in a desert” by Nida Shafqat (YW, March 2). A simple scene featuring a tree and a bird, whose conversation led to a tragic outcome, efficiently highlighted the themes of selfishness and the consequences of failing to appreciate what we have in life.
The story encouraged readers to avoid selfish and heartless behaviours, emphasising the importance of humbleness to one another. The writer suggested that individuals who are selfish and fail to value what they have, ultimately harm themselves.
Bilal Ahmed,
A month of infinite blessings
This is regarding the cover article “A month of infinite blessings” by Yasmin Elahi, (YW, March 16). The article was not only an interesting and enjoyable read, but also explained the concept behind fasting in a simple and child-friendly manner.
The writer has shared numerous tips to become compassionate and helpful members of the Muslim community.
Umber Khan,
The article “A month of infinite blessings” by Yasmin Elahi provided a detailed insight into life during Ramazan. The writer discussed the excitement and happiness associated with Ramazan and how patience is a crucial lesson we learn during this month. Ramazan is seen as a valuable time that teaches us significant life lessons, which we should carry with us throughout our lives.
Jawwad Ul Hassan,
The ventriloquist’s tale
This is with reference to the story, “The ventriloquist’s tale,” by Summayya Farooq (YW, March 16). The story stood out because it was quite different from the usual stories published in the magazine. Many of us were unfamiliar with ventriloquism and the art behind it, so the story not only expanded our knowledge, but also provided an enjoyable read.
Rania Ahmed,
Published in Dawn, Young World, April 27th, 2024
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