A TEACHER LOST: The law and order situation in Kashmore has gone from bad to worse in recent times. A little while ago, a video of a primary teacher carrying a gun on duty for his personal safety had gone viral, indicating the dangerous circumstances local teachers face. The teacher had received life threats, but he cared more about the future of children. On March 18, he was killed by dacoits while he was returning home from school. Unfortunately, this is not the first incident where teachers have been subjected to violence. The law-enforcement agencies funded by people’s taxes are merely there for appearances. Practically, they are good for nothing. They are really not.

Ayaz Bajkani

INSUFFICIENT GAS: The residents of F Block of New Katariyan in Rawalpindi are facing immense difficulty in Ramazan due to severe natural gas shortage, which makes cooking a meal an almost impossible task. The shortage of gas is also affecting small businesses in the area. The residents need steady supply of gas. Can those at the helm of affairs do something about this to give relief to the residents?

Hafiza Rabail Amjad

DISTRESSED PEOPLE: Armed robberies have become common in Sindh. From Karachi to Kashmore, people are robbed by bandits every day. People across Sindh are worried and distressed. The government has failed totally to curb crimes in rural and urban areas. Sindh surely needs a joint operation by Rangers and police led by Pakistan Army.

Sarang Ali

UNAFFORDABLE JOBS: The Sindh government has announced vacancies for police constables. The application fee is so high that not everyone can afford to pay the challan. Many individuals from poor backgrounds want to join the service, but they are not in a position to pay the application fee. Unfortunately, the inflation has hit the people harder than the government apparently thinks.

Shaheen Ali Tunio

Published in Dawn, April 3rd, 2024



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