Level playing field

Published December 2, 2023

IN an effort to bring about a significant change in the assessment and exami-nation system, the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) has successfully implemented an examination policy based on students’ learning outcomes (SLOs). This new policy aims at replacing the outdated rote learning approach with a more conceptual learning-based system.

As part of this initiative, the FBISE conducted the SSC and HSSC annual examinations in 2022 for eight core subjects, including English (compulsory), Urdu (compulsory), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics and Pakistan Studies.

The SLO-based programme has been adopted by all educational institutions affiliated with the FBISE across the country. This progressive step taken by the board is commendable as it has the potential to revolutionise the education system. By discouraging the traditional rote learning system and promoting effective student learning, this new approach can greatly contribute to improving the education system in Pakistan, which is already facing signi- ficant challenges.

However, it is important to address certain reservations regarding this new system. One major concern is that not all educational boards across the country have adopted the SLO-based exami-nation system. This discrepancy creates a disadvantage for students of the federal board, as the SLO-based exami- nations are more rigorous compared to the traditional system followed by the other boards.

Consequently, students under FBISE may score lower marks, which may then limit their chances of securing admissions to prestigious medical or engineering colleges in comparison to students from the rest of the boards.

To ensure fairness and equal oppor-tunities, it is important for other educational boards to also adopt the SLO-based examination system. This would create a level playing field and prevent any undue disadvantage for students registered with the FBISE. This will ensure that all students across the country will benefit from it. Additionally, implementing this system will create uniformity in our education system.

Sajid Ali Bangash

Published in Dawn, December 2nd, 2023



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