Google Malaysia hacked by Pakistani team

Google's Malaysian domain remains inaccessible to users a day after TechCrunch first revealed how the website had been hacked by a team of 'ethical' Pakistani hackers calling themselves 'Team Madleets'.
The lead hacker behind this team identifies himself as '1337' and claims responsibility for the attack. In a post on the team's Facebook page, Madleets takes credit for several other high-profile intrusions across the world but insist that they are focused only on helping companies improve their security.
Conforming to their stance of 'ethical hacking', the defacement does not appear to be political in nature or have any deep-lying motivations. In a statement provided to TechCrunch, the team states "There’s not much reason behind it, only to prove that security is just an illusion. It does not exist. We have no political intentions whatsoever..."
Google claims that its services were not affected by the attack, but rather, users were redirected to another site. It confirmed that it was a DNS attack.