LAHORE: Punjab and Balochistan chief ministers have decided to take steps for promoting inter-provincial relations between the federating units.

Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan along with his ministers Naseebullah Marri, Noor Muhammad and Muhammad Umer Jamali arrived here on Monday on a two-day visit. He was received at Lahore airport by Chief Minister Usman Buzdar accompanied by provincial ministers Samiullah Chaudhry and Aslam Iqbal, chief secretary and the IG police.

In a meeting at the chief minister’s office, Mr Buzdar said both the provinces would move forward to development adding that people of Balochistan were patriotic as well as hardworking. He said both Punjab and Balochistan would move forward side by side in the journey of developing the Naya Pakistan and added that the Punjab government would continue cooperating for the development and prosperity of Balochistan.

Mr Buzdar said the need of working jointly for the national development and prosperity had been further increased. The chief minister said special quota for the students of Balochistan had been fixed in the educational institutions of Punjab province and stipends being provided to them for higher education.

Both the chief ministers condemned continued barbarity of Indian army in Occupied Kashmir as well as targeting of the civilian population at the LoC and expressed their complete solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris.

Published in Dawn, October 1st, 2019



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