Muhammad Amir Rana

Dichotomous behaviour

Dichotomous behaviour

Surveys suggest that most Pakistanis lack faith in the government and consider elections an exercise in futility. Updated 21 Jul, 2024 09:02am
Dialogue with TTP again?

Dialogue with TTP again?

Any attempt to initiate negotiations with the TTP would be a significant blow to the country. Updated 14 Jul, 2024 09:13am
Making of a movement

Making of a movement

Political experts predict a significant protest movement nationwide, particularly in urban areas. Updated 07 Jul, 2024 09:00am
Dangerous majoritarianism

Dangerous majoritarianism

In such a society, where the state and society nurture and protect an infrastructure of extremism, who can hope for change? Updated 23 Jun, 2024 10:29am
No talks with TTP

No talks with TTP

If the TTP had been abandoned by the Taliban, much of their strength would have evaporated. Updated 16 Jun, 2024 10:07am
Price of peace

Price of peace

Colombians took 50 years to assess the strength of the resistance movement. Updated 09 Jun, 2024 10:24am
Chinese advice

Chinese advice

One can take precautionary steps against terrorist groups, but what about intolerance? Updated 02 Jun, 2024 09:25am
Mainstream Pakistan

Mainstream Pakistan

The state needs to navigate a delicate balance between satisfying citizens and meeting IMF goals. Updated 19 May, 2024 10:00am
Insurgency and social change

Insurgency and social change

Whenever anger flares against the state’s flawed policies, settlers become the targets. Updated 12 May, 2024 09:58am
Faizabad inquiry debate

Faizabad inquiry debate

Faizabad commission report neglects imperative for state institutions to abandon the use of religious groups for political purposes. Updated 21 Apr, 2024 10:12am
The big test ahead

The big test ahead

A concerning scenario could emerge if Iran utilises the full potential of its alleged proxies in the region, including in Pakistan. Updated 14 Apr, 2024 09:41am
Never-ending insurgency

Never-ending insurgency

The ‘securitisation’ standpoint has overshadowed political initiatives in Balochistan. Updated 07 Apr, 2024 09:37am
Maintaining security

Maintaining security

Handling security-related affairs in Pakistan is considered a slippery slope. Updated 17 Mar, 2024 09:37am
The Taliban character

The Taliban character

Pak-Afghan ties won’t improve unless the Taliban fulfil their commitments. Updated 10 Mar, 2024 09:14am
Legacy of the caretakers

Legacy of the caretakers

The caretakers made critical policy decisions with no regard for their constitutional limits. Updated 03 Mar, 2024 09:28am
Blackout to backlash

Blackout to backlash

At this juncture in history, Pakistan needed the most transparent elections ever held. Updated 18 Feb, 2024 10:04am
Whither religious parties?

Whither religious parties?

The performance of the religious parties in these elections has been one of the worst. Updated 11 Feb, 2024 09:38am
Taliban’s declining influence

Taliban’s declining influence

One aspect of the polls will be to gauge how much TTP actions have damaged the Taliban’s image. Updated 04 Feb, 2024 10:27am