Pak India Ties

Invite to Modi

Invite to Modi

The ball is, for now, in Modi’s court. Perhaps it is time for him to try something different than demonising Pakistan for his constituencies.
Updated 31 Aug, 2024 11:36am
Improving India-Pakistan ties

Improving India-Pakistan ties

A whole new generation of Indians and Pakistanis need to know more about each other and why they feel and think about each other the way they do.
Updated 27 Aug, 2024 10:22am
National identity and national security

National identity and national security

Post-1971, the country’s political landscape is dominated by political parties with a national, federal, unifying vision rather than by parties that espouse narrow versions of nationalism or religious sectarianism.
Updated 14 Aug, 2024 05:03pm
Another overture

Another overture

Engagement is the only way that mistrust between Islamabad and Delhi can be overcome.
Updated 07 Aug, 2024 08:53am
Frozen ties

Frozen ties

Prospects are bleak for resumption of any formal dialogue between Pakistan and India.
Updated 29 Jul, 2024 10:50am