Website review; Go green!

Published April 20, 2024

Earth Day is almost here, and many of you will be busy with school projects or assignments related to this important day. Some of you may be even more creative, by drawing something to celebrate Earth Day. That’s fantastic!

But is it just the projects you are concerned with or do you seriously think about how your everyday actions might be harming the Earth without you realising it? Your carbon footprint, for example. Want to know how? Well, the site that I am talking about will shock you to the core, — a mind blowing site that will open your eyes and show you just how much you’re contributing to your carbon footprint.

FootprintCalculator is designed in a way that it captivates not only kids, but also adults, by keeping them engaged for as long as they want. Its lively colours, amazing animations and well-presented data are curated to perfection, especially with the short and easy questions it asks and you have to choose the answers.

And then comes the astonishing part — the results! It’s like a wake-up call that leaves you stunned, realising how much you’ve been contributing to using up the resources of our beloved Mother Earth.

The site opens with a question you probably didn’t read before, “How many planets do we need if everybody lives like you?” Shocked? Yea, I was also, and after this there is an interesting and intriguing journey of questions that you just can’t skip answering until you reach the end. As you choose the answers you will also notice the changing background and animations.

Whatever the results, as not everyone of us is Earth hero, so you will come to know how much you have been misusing; then you are also asked how do you feel? Of course, not happy, so the site offers you solutions on how you can cut back on your ecological footprint in terms of food, population, energy, etc.

Overall, the website does a great job in reminding us about the Earth Day and to evaluate our everyday choices and their planetary impact.

For each and every one of us, the site proves to be an eye-opening experience.


Published in Dawn, Young World, April 20th, 2024



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