Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry

75 years of Nato

75 years of Nato

Nato-Russia rivalry goes back to the time of the Cold War. Published 21 Jul, 2024 06:56am
Indo-Pak CBMs

Indo-Pak CBMs

Several CBMs are no longer operational. Published 14 Jul, 2024 08:32am
Chinese investment

Chinese investment

We failed to seamlessly transit to the second CPEC phase. Published 07 Jul, 2024 07:35am
What if…?

What if…?

Our leaders rarely took the people into confidence. Published 30 Jun, 2024 07:25am
War in Ukraine

War in Ukraine

What position should Pakistan take on Ukraine? Published 23 Jun, 2024 08:50am
Upgrading CPEC

Upgrading CPEC

Pakistan must not squander this opportunity. Published 16 Jun, 2024 06:54am
Gaza in flames

Gaza in flames

Why is Israel rejecting every call to stop its killing spree? Published 02 Jun, 2024 06:54am
Good governance

Good governance

A fragile political system cannot deliver. Published 19 May, 2024 07:37am
Indian elections

Indian elections

Modi’s anti-Muslim rhetoric is raising concerns of violence. Updated 12 May, 2024 10:25am
Inconsistent ties

Inconsistent ties

This is not the first time that Pakistan and the US are estranged. Published 05 May, 2024 07:31am
India today

India today

Modi’s ambitious plan is not cost-free. Published 28 Apr, 2024 09:24am
No good options

No good options

In every scenario, Israel emerges as the loser. Published 21 Apr, 2024 07:26am
World of 2035

World of 2035

The focus of global attention will remain on Asia. Published 14 Apr, 2024 07:15am
Trade dynamics

Trade dynamics

It isn’t in the interest of Pakistan and India to have conflictual ties. Published 07 Apr, 2024 07:27am
Economic revival

Economic revival

We have yet to see any concrete proof of belt-tightening. Published 31 Mar, 2024 07:32am
Renewing democracy

Renewing democracy

Scores of analysts have stressed the need for a national dialogue. Published 24 Mar, 2024 05:57am
Focus on actions

Focus on actions

A national dialogue is needed to achieve political stability. Published 17 Mar, 2024 07:11am
Setting priorities

Setting priorities

At least 10 urgent challenges confront Pakistan. Published 10 Mar, 2024 07:24am