Enjoying food that contains one’s favourite ingredients is so much fun. That’s why I like to experiment with recipes where I can use what I enjoy eating, just what I have done this time.

I totally love chicken tikka chunks — they are not just so delicious, but also very versatile and easy to use in countless ways. I have used them so many times in various recipes, be it as a standalone dish or an innovative addition to unrelated recipes, and each time the result has been mouth-watering.

Now, envision these tender chicken tikka chunks nestled within the folds of a flaky croissant, complimented with some tomato ketchup and mayonnaise, and fresh veggie toppings, you have irresistible croissant tikka cones.

Photos by the writer
Photos by the writer


• 4 croissants

• 1 cup chicken tikka chunks

• 1/4 cucumber, sliced

• 2 tablespoons diced capsicum

• 2 tablespoons diced spring onions

• 2 tablespoons diced tomatoes

• 1/4 cup tomato ketchup

• 1/4 cup mayonnaise

Photos by the writer
Photos by the writer


Cut the croissants in half, from the centre, to make two cones. Using a knife, scoop out a bit of the centre to make a little well or hollow for the filling.

Spread tomato ketchup to cover the inside of the croissants. Fill it with the succulent chicken tikka chunks, followed by diced spring onions, capsicum, tomatoes and cucumber.

Finally top with mayonnaise and ketchup for a luscious finish.

Place the cones in small bowls to keep them upright, and serve. You can make it a few hours beforehand, just top with mayonnaise and ketchup before servicing so that it does not run down from the sides. You can microwave it for 30 seconds to warm it a bit, which will enhance its taste.

See, it’s so easy and simple, absolutely no cooking needed! All you need is some culinary creativity and you can impress anyone with tantalising food!

The writer Instagrams @the_experimentalcook

Published in Dawn, Young World, Aug 26th, 2023



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