Fathers, the pillars of love and sacrifice

Published June 17, 2023
Illustration by Sumbul
Illustration by Sumbul

In every successful person’s life, there exists a beacon of inspiration, a guiding force whose unwavering love and selflessness illuminate the path to greatness. This extraordinary figure is none other than a father — a steadfast presence who not only devotes his life to the nurturing and upbringing of his children, but also embodies the very essence of the values and principles that pave the way to their triumphs.

A father’s influence extends far beyond the bounds of family ties, resonating deep within the hearts of his children as they embark on their own journeys. He is the cornerstone in their foundation, the unwavering support that pushes his children towards their dreams, and the embodiment of love and sacrifice that make their personality.

Growing up, I realised that my father was an extraordinary humble man, but his wit was like a sparkling gem, always ready to brighten even the dullest of our days. From his quick one-liners to his playful banter, he had a unique ability to transform the mundane into something extraordinary. His humour knew no bounds, spreading laughter and joy throughout our home. With every joke and funny anecdote, my father has imparted an invaluable lesson: to find joy in every situation and not take life too seriously.

His light-hearted approach has taught me the power of laughter and has brought a sense of brightness to even the darkest of days. I am eternally grateful for his influence on my life. He is not only my role model, but also my hero.

Fathers come in a multitude of personalities and styles, each with their own distinctive demeanour and approach. Some are the silent types, with a calm presence that brings stability to their families. Others are the jolly ones, their laughter filling every corner of the home and leaving a permanent mark on our hearts, like mine. But there are those whose passion and intensity may sometimes manifest as aggression, but even within their storm lies a love that runs deep. Regardless of their temperament, fathers stand as the pillars of our families, the unwavering support and the rock-solid foundation that holds everyone and everything together. Whether they are by our side every day or circumstances have separated them from us, their presence remains a source of strength, a beacon of guidance, and a symbol of love that remains with us throughout our lives.

Yes, the importance of a father is immeasurable. Through his strength, love, guidance and unwavering presence, he shapes the lives of his children. He instils within them the confidence to face challenges head-on, the belief in their own worth, and the determination to chase their dreams.

Let us celebrate and honour the invaluable contributions of fathers, recognising their role as catalysts for inspiration and role models in our life.

A pillar of strength

Dads possess an inherent strength that emanates from their love and unwavering support. They are the steady hand that holds their children when they stumble, the calm voice that offers reassurance during challenging times, and their unwavering presence instils a sense of security to their children.

A dad’s strength becomes a beacon of hope, inspiring his children to face adversity with courage and flexibility.

Unconditional love

A dad’s love is a force that knows no bounds. It is a love that embraces his children with all their flaws. Regardless of the circumstances, a father’s love remains unwavering.

This unconditional love creates a safe space for children to grow, make mistakes and learn from them. It builds a foundation of self-worth and self-love, nurturing confidence and empowering them to embrace their true selves.


Fathers can willingly put their own dreams and aspirations on hold, redirecting their focus towards ensuring their children’s happiness and well-being. They make countless sacrifices, working long hours, taking on extra responsibilities, and giving up on personal luxuries. They believe that their sacrifices will someday be fruitful for everyone in the family.

Therefore, to ensure their children have access to quality education, a comfortable home, and a safe environment to grow and thrive, they work tirelessly. Their dedication instils a strong work ethic and the importance of perseverance in their children. They become the foundation for their children’s success and personal growth.

Moral integrity

Fathers serve as beacons of honesty and righteousness, teaching their children the value of integrity in all aspects of life. Their actions and principles have a profound impact on their children’s character and choices.

Leading by example, fathers demonstrate the positive ripple effect of honesty in building relationships, fostering trust and achieving success with a clear conscience.

Supportive guide

Fathers are supportive guides who offer unwavering support and guidance throughout their children’s journeys. Most often, they are patient listeners, wise advisors and sources of motivation in times of doubt and uncertainty.

Their belief in their children’s abilities fuels their children’s confidence and encourages them to step out of their comfort zones. With every milestone achieved, fathers’ pride and joy strengthen the bond with their children.

A lifelong role model

Yes, fathers are powerful role models who shape their children’s values, beliefs and aspirations. Children observe their fathers’ actions and attitudes, internalising their influence and mirroring their behaviours. A father’s honesty, work ethics and compassion become blueprints for his children’s own character development. His example becomes a guiding light, inspiring his children to become kind, responsible and empathetic individuals who positively impact the world around them.

Being a son, I understand that men can sometimes seem challenging to comprehend by others in the family. They often carry a sense of seriousness within them, perhaps due to the way they were raised. However, let me assure you, dear children, that behind every seemingly serious or unapproachable father, there lies a kind, tender and gentle soul, who empathises with your pain, even if his reactions may not align with your expectations.

He is always there to support you, even though his serious manner may sometimes cloud your opinion and lead you to believe he will respond aggressively. But that’s not the case, trust me. Believe in him and feel the depth of his love and dedication.

Always cherish the presence of a father in your life, for it is an invaluable gift that knows no bounds. Whether he is physically by your side or his memory resides in your heart, his qualities of wit, love, bravery and undying support will serve as the steadfast pillars upon which you can build a successful and fulfilling life.

Published in Dawn, Young World, June 17th, 2023



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