Google hails ‘key milestone’ in quantum computing

Published February 23, 2023
Google has set a quantum-computing roadmap for itself with six major milestones. — Google Quantum AI via Nature
Google has set a quantum-computing roadmap for itself with six major milestones. — Google Quantum AI via Nature

PARIS: Google scientists said on Wednesday they have passed a major milestone in their quest to develop effective quantum computing, with a new study showing they reduced the rate of errors — long an obstacle for the much-hyped technology.

Quantum computing has been touted as a revolutionary advance that uses our growing scientific understanding of the subatomic world to create a machine with powers far beyond those of today’s conventional computers.

However, the technology remains largely theoretical, with many thorny problems still standing in the way — including stubbornly high error rates.

In new research published in the journal Nature, the Google Quantum AI lab described a system that can significantly decrease the error rate. That could give the US tech giant a step up on its rivals such as IBM, which is also working on superconducting quantum processors.

While traditional computers process information in bits that can be represented by 0 or 1, quantum computers use qubits, which can be a combination of both at the same time.

Published in Dawn, February 23rd, 2023



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