Sakib Sherani

Rearranging the deck chairs

Rearranging the deck chairs

It is unclear if policymakers truly grasp the nature and scale of the fiscal challenge. Published 22 Jun, 2024 07:16am
Perspectives on NFC Award

Perspectives on NFC Award

Revisiting the NFC award should be a collaborative exercise with the provinces fully on board. Updated 04 May, 2024 09:00am
The grand delusion

The grand delusion

Expecting improvement under an elite under whose watch Pakistan has been brought to this sorry pass is the triumph of hope over experience. Published 27 Apr, 2024 06:30am
Lessons from history

Lessons from history

Valuable lessons can be drawn from the experience of countries that reformed and prospered. Updated 23 Sep, 2023 09:25am
Understanding this crisis

Understanding this crisis

The current crisis is very different from past ones in nature, scope as well as severity. Updated 14 Sep, 2023 09:21am
Now or never

Now or never

Pakistan is closer than ever to becoming a ‘zombie’ state. Updated 13 Apr, 2023 09:42am
The IMF in perspective

The IMF in perspective

It would be useful to introspect if the IMF has arm-twisted Pakistan into this situation. Updated 04 Feb, 2023 09:04am
Our Latin American slide

Our Latin American slide

Human rights abuses and debt-induced economic instability could be the new norm. Updated 29 Jan, 2023 08:40am
The great wave

The great wave

The scale of destruction caused by the current disaster is truly staggering. Updated 15 Sep, 2022 10:42am
Better crisis management

Better crisis management

Stronger leadership and improved communication are needed, along with broader policy options. Updated 28 Jul, 2022 09:35am
Budgeting illusions

Budgeting illusions

Estimation errors and weak prioritisation will make the budget a non-starter for the IMF. Updated 17 Jun, 2022 08:13am
Entropy and its costs

Entropy and its costs

To achieve any meaningful measure of progress and prosperity, Pakistan has to be governed like a normal country. Updated 14 May, 2022 09:42am
A crisis like no other

A crisis like no other

The anchor of the recovery road map should be a clear and comprehensive plan for institutional and structural reforms. Updated 08 May, 2022 08:50am
Elite illusions and delusions

Elite illusions and delusions

An illusion of prosperity, built on borrowed money, is a priority over actual development. Updated 09 Dec, 2021 07:35am
Impasse with IMF?

Impasse with IMF?

The ongoing programme with the IMF is experiencing a pause rather than a derailment. Updated 02 Jul, 2021 10:23am
Budgeting with constraints

Budgeting with constraints

The budget strategy will deliver growth but raises the risk of external account stress. Updated 18 Jun, 2021 09:06am
The halo effect

The halo effect

The fixation across the divide with the headline growth rate is dangerously misplaced. Updated 04 Jun, 2021 08:29am
A redesigned programme

A redesigned programme

The design of the IMF programme has led to perverse incentives and unintended consequences. Updated 21 May, 2021 09:07am