NEW DELHI: High-level talks are now in progress in New Delhi for a solution of the Kashmir question, it is reliably learned. These “triangular discussions” which are of great import to the future of the two Dominions and Kashmir State are, it is stated, being carried on in a “cordial atmosphere”.

These discussions, according to informed quarters, may result in a final settlement of the outstanding problems, clear up the atmosphere and lead to genuine co-operation between the two states. A tentative draft to resolve the issue is now under discussion between the representatives of both the dominions… . These talks are said to be inspired by the anxiety on the part of both the present unfortunate state of affairs which is very near a state of undeclared hostility and to establish cordial relations on a firm basis. The direct participants in these discussions are the Governor-General, Lord Mountbatten, Pandit Nehru, Prime Minister of India, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, and Sardar Patel, States Minister, Government of India.

[Meanwhile, as reported from Hyderabad, Deccan,] … [T]he Nizam has signed the standstill agreement brought here from Delhi by the newly constituted Hyderabad Negotiating Committee led by Nawab Moin Nawaz Jung.

Published in Dawn, November 29th, 2022



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