
Published January 18, 2025

The forest guardian

This is regarding the story “The forest guardian” by Fatimah Khurram (YW, November 23). The story highlighted how a single tree can deeply impact our lives. A tree provides shade, a peaceful place to read and a quiet companion for expressing our feelings. It brings people together, offering joy and connection. The story also encouraged us to take responsibility for preserving the environment by planting more trees, reducing pollution and limiting unnecessary construction. By working together, we can protect nature’s beauty and create a healthier, more harmonious future.

Sadia Gulzar,

Study smarter, not longer

This is regarding the cover story “The Pomodoro Technique: Study smarter, not longer” by Ambreen Arshad (YW, November 30). The article highlighted brilliantly the Pomodoro Technique, a time-management method that has gained significant recognition for its effectiveness in boosting productivity, especially for students during exam season.

I agree that students today face unique challenges, with increasing pressure to succeed academically. However, with the tools and methods available, students can approach their studies more strategically and effectively. The Pomodoro Technique stands out as an example of how time-management can be optimised to enhance focus, reduce mental fatigue and improve overall learning outcomes.

This approach is not just a temporary solution for exam preparation, but a valuable life skill that fosters discipline, focus and productivity. As students seek ways to study smarter, not longer, the Pomodoro Technique is an essential method worth adopting.

Saba Naz,

Blinded by the screen

This is regarding the story, “Blinded by the screen” by Esha Bakht (YW, November 30). The story offered a powerful lesson on the importance of balance and the consequences of excessive screen time. Alina’s journey was a relatable one, especially for young individuals growing up in the digital age where the allure of mobile phones and social media often overshadows academic and personal well-being.

The story serves as a timely reminder for young people to consider the long-term effects of their choices, while also emphasising the importance of moderation and self-awareness.

Overall, this narrative was an insightful and important one, highlighting the balance needed in today’s tech-driven world.

M. Haroon Adnan,

Published in Dawn, Young World, January 18th, 2025



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