Illustration by Aamnah Arshad
Illustration by Aamnah Arshad

Hania was a seventh-grade student and an bright girl. She not only managed her tasks on time, but also helped her classmates. If Zoya’s work wasn’t finished, Hania would complete it during breaks. If Afra didn’t understand something, Hania would explain it during free periods. If Zainab forgot her pen, Hania would lend hers.

That was why everyone in the class was friendly with Hania. Erum, her classmate, often sought Hania’s help. Although Erum was Hania’s friend, she sometimes felt resentful.

“Why is Hania always perfect? She should get scolded or argue with someone once,” Erum sometimes wondered. She also thought of ways to get Hania in trouble. One day, Erum had an idea.

“Hania, lend me your Urdu notebook; I haven’t finished my work. I’ll take it home and return it tomorrow,” Erum asked sweetly.

Hania replied, worried, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could have helped you during the break.”

Erum insisted, “Please, Hania, I tried to copy from Zoya’s notebook, but there wasn’t any free period.”

Hania hesitantly handed over her notebook, saying, “Be careful, don’t lose it, and return it tomorrow.” Erum agreed and put the notebook in her bag.

The next day, Erum was absent, and Hania grew anxious. On the third day, when Erum returned, Hania asked, “Thank God you’re back! Return my notebook now.”

Erum feigned ignorance, “Which notebook?”

Hania reminded her, “The Urdu notebook you borrowed two days ago.”

Erum pretended she never took it. Hania, distressed, went to the Urdu teacher and shared the situation. The teacher suggested a plan.

During the Urdu period, when the teacher asked students to take out their notebooks, Hania stood up and said, “I lent my notebook to Erum two days ago, but she claims she didn’t take it.”

Erum stood up, denying, “I didn’t take Hania’s notebook.”

Hania countered, “Remember when you promised to return it and said you’d treat me to lunch?”

Erum insisted, “I never said that.”

Hania continued, “You said you’d buy me fries and a cold drink.”

Erum again denied, “I didn’t say that.” Then she continued and clarified, “I only said that I will return your notebook the next morning.”

The class erupted in laughter. Erum realised her mistake, returned Hania’s notebook and apologised, vowing not to deceive someone again.

Published in Dawn, Young World, December 7th, 2024



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