Radio Pakistan website briefly hacked, restored

Published September 8, 2019
The website for Radio Pakistan, the national state broadcaster, was temporarily hacked on Sunday. — Screengrab of Radio Pakistan website
The website for Radio Pakistan, the national state broadcaster, was temporarily hacked on Sunday. — Screengrab of Radio Pakistan website

The website for Radio Pakistan, the national state broadcaster, was briefly hacked on Sunday.

A message on the website read: "Hello Admin, you are very secured. Appreciated your security. We got an eye on you. Expect us. Pakistan zindabad."

Additionally, it stated that 'CrashRulers' had conducted the hack. The hack was also announced on Twitter by an account with the handle name @TheCrashRulers:

"@RadioPakistan Radio Pakistan Website Hacked by Team #CrashRulers," the tweet said. It is not confirmed if the account is operated by those behind the hack.

Other tweets on the account, posted over the past three months, have claimed to hack multiple other government, and business websites, including Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Pakistan, Pakistan Cricket Board, Bahauddin Zakariya University and Zoom Petroleum Pakistan among others. The claims could not be verified.

Radio Pakistan's website has been restored.



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