What are our readers saying?

Published December 28, 2008

A selection of e-mails from our readers. The opinions and views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the website. To send in your comments and feedback, email us at inbox@dawn.com

`For people who seem to question the rationale for the creation of Pakistan, I suggest they read some history books before commenting and also look at the position of Muslims in India as they are now. They make up 13% of Indias population and their representation in all government departments varies from less then 1% to a maximum of 6% in some rare areas. I am not here to give a history lesson but please look at recent history of the nations that have separated. People cannot be forced to live as a single nation. Also, lets not forget that India has existed in the form of a single nation for only 400 years in all its history. This hardly creates the basis for India being a single country. Historically India was a region and not a country.`
Kashif, London, UK

`Shame on Pakistan that a democratic leader was murdered an year back and the public still doesnt know who killed her and how she was killed, Zardari being the president himself.`
W-Wisher, USA

`I am a Pakistani living in the U.S. and have studied the defense capabilities of Pakistan and India in great detail from both official as well as independent sources. Plenty of brownie points to our armed forces in terms of bravery and valor and a certain patriotic fervor which could help us immensely in the event of a war with India. All of this, along with our military equipment would help us ward off an Indian attack for about 2-3 weeks, a month at most. But as India steps up its military pressure with tacit help from the U.S., Russia and Israel, our imminent defeat will begin. We depend a lot in terms of moral and military support from our Chinese friends, but when Russia sends a strong message to the business-minded and pragmatic Chinese to back off or else face an embargo on Russian arms supplies on which the Chinese armed forces depend very heavily, they almost certainly will. With China delaying or completely stopping the supply of their equipment to us, which is untested, obsolete and mostly poor clones of Russian designs anyways, we will have nothing left to fight back with. At this point we will be left alone to face the military advantage and economic might of India which will be completely and unconditionally backed by the U.S. and Israel. By a long shot, we may last a week after that. And God forbid, if one of our stupid Generals in a moment of desperation decides to exercise the nuclear option, the unthinkable would happen. Although I moved to the States many years ago, most of my family, relatives and friends are still back in Pakistan, but in a post-war scenario they could possibly cease to exist. I would therefore like to appeal to the saner half of the Pakistani citizenry, not to help fan this war rhetoric and clamor for peace instead, and save our own nation from the clutches of terrorists and a far greater Indian military assault. May Allah bless my beloved Pakistan with peace, prosperity and a long life. Pakistan Zindabad.`
Adnan Shah, USA

Dialogue is our biggest arsenal President Zardari

`I think this is a good gesture on the part of Pakistan to the Indians. I hope this will also translate into real action. India should also understand that pressures wont work and a country cannot be threatened.  I think there is an India friendly government in Pakistan and India should utilize this opportunity. This is a democratically elected government which India should definitely talk to and address the terrorism issue jointly.`
Rajan Rao, Abu Dhabi

We want friendly relations with India PM Gilani

`I agree and believe President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani`s government should be given space and opportunity to address the issue of terrorism afflicting South Asia. Scarce resources can not and should not be spent on meaningless exercise of war and can be better utilized to provide the basic necessities so urgently needed for the inhabitants of the subcontinent.`

Shiv Sena burn Pakistani music Taliban-style

`This is how they value our artists in India. Those Pakistani artists who are and are willing to work in India should learn a lesson.`
Saad, Saudi Arabia

Pakistan to move troops if tensions with India worsen

`The core thesis I want to run by you is India cannot prosper in spite of Pakistan, and Pakistan can prosper because of India.

To expand on the statement above, there is no way India can be a flourishing democracy without being a growth-economy. To grow, India needs foreign investment, for which it needs security, which it cannot have if the current relations with Pakistan continue. I hope my words dont sound critical of Pakistan- it is great country, and a greater nation, though a suffering state. But Pakistan has the potential to hold India back.

Equally, India has the potential to help Pakistan grow. India, with its mercantile success, experience with democracy and liberalism (I would unhesitatingly accept all specific criticisms of Hindu fundamentals) and progress on property rights - can help Pakistan build a stronger economy, fashion stronger institutions, reverse the politicization of the military, and reduce the exhausting spending on defense.

I think the realization (that Pakistan can hold India back) is stronger in the subcontinent, than is the realization that India can help Pakistan grow. The first has built a jaundiced Indian foreign policy, and a militant Pakistani approach. A realization of the second can help reverse the venom of the first.`
Hersh, Michigan

A social transformation

`You have hit the nail on the head. Pakistan should look beyond Kasab and also the enmity with India. There is a social problem we are dealing with. I say this in spite of being of Indian origin and living in North America because what happens today in Pakistan may directly affect me tomorrow.

Turning a blind eye to this situation will only make it worse. Fuelling anti-India and anti-West sentiments will only make the youth turn towards extremist elements. At the end of the day, we all will suffer, we the common people across continents, surviving family members of terrorists and of course politicians like Benazir Bhutto too, who lost their lives to these same terrorists. Hence Pakistan government needs to concentrate on the real issue and act soon.`
Abhijeet Nandy, Toronto, Canada

Hindu fundamentalism

`The problem is that the Islamic fundamentalists were considered the saviors of freedom during the 1980s when it was convenient to use them, but most westerners are clueless and the innocence they portray is just surprising. I often wonder if the media in western countries is controlled just like it is in Saudi Arab or in China.  Americans do not know much of anything about what their government does abroad in their name. They created this Frankenstein and now it is coming after them and that`s causing persecution of Muslims around the world today. It`s true there are fundamentalists in every religion, even amongst the Buddhists, but now Muslims are under the microscope. Everyones ears and eyes are tuned to that. And that`s the real problem. Decent non-violent Muslims have lost their voice and have become target of extremists. Now Pakistan is also under the microscope of the world. This is perhaps a good thing since the moderate voices will be heard as well, if they can survive the wrath of Islamic fundamentalists among its society.`
Abbas Husien, UK

Memories of my city

`This article brought tears to my eyes. What an expression by the writer.

I would say the best city in the world is New York, but when it comes to Karachi I cant help thinking, if all was well, Karachi would have been much better than New York because of additional touch of love the people carry in their hearts.

I can write many pages, and can tell many sweet stories about my city.`
Shaukat Artani, New York

Qureshi warns India against surgical strikes

`Pakistani PM and President were repeating similar rhetoric during US drone attacks. Pakistan is suffering itself. It is really sad that instead of focusing on the economy and jobs, the country is fully engaged in Americas war on Terror and on verge of another war.

These are wrong priorities for people of Pakistan and result of flawed anti-Afghan, Anti-India policy of Pakistan. While it is keen to get Kashmir, it is not able to take control of FATA areas.

The law makers need to sit down and discuss a path forward. Any Anti India/West/Israel/USA rhetoric may give some mental satisfaction or false pride - but when there is no job creation in the economy, people will die of hunger or will become suicide bombers. In either case, it is not in Pakistans interest.`
Manoj Padhi, USA

`If this kind of rhetoric was turned into action against terrorists in Pakistan then probably there would be no tension between the two neighbors. Instead of war mongering, Pakistani government should be prosecuting terrorists. Is not possible for them to act pro actively and gather evidence against the terror elements and prosecute them? It is unfortunate that Pakistan is diverting the main issue towards war. This will only facilitate another attack in another country (maybe India, America or Europe) and the consequences will be dire for Pakistan.`
Sharon Roy, Toronto

`Pakistans FM talks like a thug; at least he is trying to be one. His statements surely make people wonder whether he listens to politicians on the other side of the border, particularly PM Manmohan Singhs comment of ruling out war. Not a great way of behaving when tensions are high.`

The right response

`I am an Indian living abroad. This is the first time I have read a Pakistani newspaper. I used to read Indian and western newspapers and had formed a view that Pakistani media was just following the official line and inflaming the situation. But after reading this article, I think I will have to reconsider my views.`
Ajaypal Sidhu, Melbourne

`A hard truth stated here. Pakistan has to concentrate on rooting out terror.`
Ali, India

US urging Pakistan every single day to catch culprits

`I wonder what kind of proof Pakistan wants while trying to bring to justice the terrorists that the whole world now knows originated from Pakistan. Are we looking for terrorists with voter ID, Pakistani Passports in their possession while they murdered innocent civilians in Mumbai? Denial for Pakistan is going to get them nowhere. The civilian leadership must assert their control over a rogue military that will prove their bane as it has done for the last 40 years of Pakistans 60 year history. Civilian leadership - now is the chance while the whole world supports the democratic election that brought the civilian leaders to power. If the ISI is brought under control and the civilian leadership stands firm the army will dare not usurp the democratically elected government knowing fully well what the world reaction will be.`
Peter Coomar, Michigan, USA

Kashmiris clash with troops on last day of poll Turnout below 16pc Mirwaiz

`Indian media is reporting that the overall turnout has been 52 percent!`
Malik Khan, Lahore

Unchecked fanaticism

`Finally, you are finding the courage to protest against the perversion of Pakistani culture by Mullahs and extremists.

When it comes to identity, every one has a need to preserve their own - whether it is nationalistic, religious, racial, or even something simple like a favorite sports team. Regardless, there has to be a commitment to truth. It is not about religion or race - but about culture. People quickly learn to distrust a culture of lies, violence and victim hood. Pakistan is suffering from such a cultural decline today. Pakistani media spends most of its time writing about the social evils and Jingoism in India. Does that justify terrorism? How many times does the media try to uncover why the terrorists are able to hide behind Islam without a massive opposition from the masses?  When was the last time intolerant Indians came to Pakistani cities and shot up innocent civilians? 

The primary problem in Indo-Pakistan relations is violence and hatred emanating from Pakistan in the garb of Islam.`
Amit, Washington, USA

What war with India could mean

`What a disgraceful scenario you painted of any war between Pakistan and India. Instead of cowering like cowards in front of Indian nukes, maybe you should have shown a little manhood and reminded India and the world that Pakistan too is a nuclear armed state and according to the CIA, we have better nukes and the capacity to deliver them.

India has more to lose than Pakistan; they have 30 large cities with huge foreign investment and large populations. Pakistan is mainly an agrarian society and we can survive in the villages, we only have 3 or 4 major cities and all matter less than say Mumbai or Delhi where bollywood and US investment will end for decades.`
Tariq Shah, USA

Bhakkar Blast suicide bombers for sale?

`This crime must show the world that all these suicide bombers are not doing it for the sake of Islam; there are people who are doing it as a business to lure the innocent poverty struck and illiterate people to do this type of job. It is also clear that money paid for this purpose was not given to the bomber it was given to the person who arranged this; it is important to track down the trail of money. It can only be resolved by providing proper infrastructure in these troubled areas.`
Asif Rehmani, Edmonton, Canada



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