Simply tweaking existing pricing frameworks to a dynamic market-oriented pricing mechanism can enable higher utilisation of of existing capacity.
Updated30 Dec, 202411:01am
The power sector’s real crisis isn’t energy, it’s debt, and until we untangle this financial knot, affordable electricity and sustainable growth will remain out of reach.
Published19 Oct, 202412:17pm
The capacity problem plaguing the power sector is a debt problem, which can be resolved through interventions targeting debt.
Published26 Aug, 202409:05am
The capacity problem plaguing the power sector is a debt problem, which can be resolved through interventions targeting debt.
Updated26 Aug, 202409:03am
For consumers using more than 200 units of electricity, the increase in month-on-month tariff is in the range of 7pc to 9pc.
Updated08 Jul, 202412:55pm
Over the last five years, the salaried middle class has lost 45pc of its purchasing power through a mix of inflation and taxes.
Published17 Jun, 202405:30am
At a time when real capital is stranded in unproductive segments like real estate, losing intellectual capital through excessive taxation measures is akin to killing the goose for the golden egg.
Published12 Jun, 202411:12pm
Wholesale and retail trade is one segment that barely pays any direct taxes and often creates the most noise whenever there is any effort to extract even a minimal amount of tax.
Published11 Jun, 202411:00am
Current electricity pricing regime subsidises wealthy, solar power generating households while shifting cost burden on the grid-dependent citizens.
Published13 May, 202408:55am
Eliminating a national uniform tariff while allowing well-managed Discos to move towards privatisation can minimise T&D losses, making electricity more affordable.
Published08 Apr, 202407:06am