Hollow sabre-rattling

Published October 29, 2022

RESPONSIBLE officials of state should know better than to make incendiary claims that have the potential to further poison bilateral ties. However, the BJP-led dispensation that currently rules India seems to have no shortage of sabre-rattling officials that seek to stoke conflict with Pakistan by making irresponsible remarks.

The latest Indian official to direct uncalled-for comments towards this country is Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who, while speaking at an event in held Kashmir on Thursday, said that “the mission will complete only when Gilgit-Baltistan and areas of Kashmir … reunite with India”. The ‘mission’ he was referring to is New Delhi’s dubious 2019 move to do away with occupied Kashmir’s limited constitutional autonomy, and the ‘reunion’ with India of regions in Pakistan implies a hostile intent.

Ironically, the day the Indian minister was making these reckless remarks, the people of Azad Kashmir were observing a black day to mark the controversial ‘accession’ by the ruler of the erstwhile princely state of Jammu and Kashmir to the Indian dominion 75 years ago.

Regarding any foolhardy ideas the Indian defence minister or his colleagues in government may harbour of attacking Pakistan, they should know that this country can and will defend itself. Moreover, it is highly irresponsible for a minister to make such provocative remarks in a region which hosts two nuclear powers.

The most viable option for a solution to the question of the future status of Azad Kashmir or India-held Kashmir is through dialogue. Decades of mistrust and warfare between Pakistan and India over the Kashmir question have failed to resolve the issue, and it is folly of the highest order if India’s rulers believe that GB or AJK can be taken by force. Any such irrational attempt would have catastrophic consequences for the entire subcontinent.

Many formulas have been put on the table to resolve this lingering issue through negotiations, and the matter came tantalisingly close to being clinched during the Musharraf era. These old formulas can be dusted off, while new ones can also be discussed, but the key question is that of intent. Does the hard-line BJP, which loves to beat the drums of confrontation where Pakistan is concerned, have the sagacity to come to the table to discuss Kashmir frankly and without inhibition, paving the way for a solution? Till such a time comes, Indian officials should refrain from making preposterous claims about ‘taking’ Pakistani territory.

Published in Dawn, October 29th, 2022



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