It was in 1961 that ‘Treasures of Time’, the first large mural in Pakistan (65ft x 10ft), was executed by Sadequain for the library of the State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi. In the mural, the historical progress of humanity, knowledge and civilisation is represented through pictorials of philosophers, scholars, mathematicians, scientists, writers and poets ranging from Socrates to Allama lqbal and Einstein.
The painting also highlights the pinnacle of Islamic scholars through representation of Ibn-i-Zakaria, Rumi, Al-Idrisi, Hafiz and Ibn-i-Khaldun, Al-Beruni, Omar Khayyam, Ibn-i-Rushd and Al-Khawarizmi. The scientific equipment, navigational instruments and architectural landmarks elaborate the identity and acumen of depicted personalities.
Unlike Sadequain’s customary blues, grays and blacks, this mural is moderately punctuated with shades of orange, yellow and bright blue.
Brimming with compassion, Sadequain has allegorically portrayed exquisite innuendos to stimulate the observer’s urge to be ambitious, innovative, persevering, righteous and peaceful. The Sadequain Gallery at the State Bank Museum, Karachi, with the artist’s largest collection of murals under one roof, is open to visitors. — M.S.K.
Published in Dawn, Sunday Magazine, September 7th, 2014
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