Arifa Noor

The people’s distrust

The people’s distrust

For months now, there have been whispers that PTI’s rank and file is getting worked up. Updated 23 Jul, 2024 09:19am
Courting verdicts

Courting verdicts

We face institutions and men in charge who are still not ready to heed the message. Updated 16 Jul, 2024 09:35am


This sense of despair is not even recognised by those ruling us, who continue to talk down to the people, or rather at each other. Updated 09 Jul, 2024 09:12am
Back to the battlefield

Back to the battlefield

The environment in 2008 was very different when large-scale operations were launched. Updated 25 Jun, 2024 07:07pm
Minority rights

Minority rights

Many are scared of a public discussion on the issue of Pakistan’s minorities. Updated 11 Jun, 2024 10:02am
A changing world

A changing world

Equating criticism on social media with terrorism can distract attention from violent threats. Updated 04 Jun, 2024 09:35am
Budgeting without people

Budgeting without people

Even though the economy is a critical issue, discussions about it involve a select few who are not really interested in communicating with the people. Updated 21 May, 2024 09:09am
Political merry-go-round

Political merry-go-round

There will have to be concrete actions along the way too if some of the more difficult decisions are to be owned and carried out. Updated 14 May, 2024 09:16am
Enter the deputy PM

Enter the deputy PM

Clearly, something has changed since for this step to have been taken and there are shifts in the balance of power within. Updated 30 Apr, 2024 09:25am
Transitions and instability

Transitions and instability

How and why have these moments of transition turned into longer periods of instability? Updated 23 Apr, 2024 11:03am
Spinning the ministers

Spinning the ministers

The information department doesn’t have much space left to play a role with regard to policy. Updated 09 Apr, 2024 10:19am
The IHC six

The IHC six

It is hard to tell whether this storm will pass quickly. But a storm it is. Updated 02 Apr, 2024 09:35am
A woman’s story

A woman’s story

All academic discussions about how women can be encouraged to participate seem irrelevant. Published 26 Mar, 2024 06:59am
Unruly social media

Unruly social media

The mainstream press, from newspapers to channels, is no longer a challenge for the state. Updated 19 Mar, 2024 09:22am
Question of age

Question of age

Parties have declined and their support base has shrunk but the families remain in charge. Updated 05 Mar, 2024 09:57am
Faultiness, old and new

Faultiness, old and new

The two parts of the PML-N government will be forced to work at cross purposes. Updated 27 Feb, 2024 09:53am