A payment systems’ review

A payment systems’ review

Digital wallets truly excelled at onboarding freelancers, doubling to 184,516 by March. Updated 22 Jul, 2024 09:19am
Agri tax — an attempt at equity

Agri tax — an attempt at equity

Requiring all farmers with more than 12 acres to file agriculture income tax returns would result in around Rs0.7m in returns annually.
Updated 22 Jul, 2024 09:06am
What Pakistan can learn from China

What Pakistan can learn from China

The country should focus on bringing about extensive structural reforms to navigate through its current economic and geopolitical challenges.
Updated 22 Jul, 2024 09:29am
The demon of domestic debt

The demon of domestic debt

In the last fiscal year, the government paid an estimated Rs1.3tr in capacity charges to the IPPs.
Updated 22 Jul, 2024 10:17am
Continuing sugar blues

Continuing sugar blues

Owing to the surplus sugar stock, selling prices are currently below the cost of production.
Updated 22 Jul, 2024 08:52am
Neglect of the vulnerable

Neglect of the vulnerable

Priya Kumari is a little girl who went missing and was never heard from again. Her case, subsequent demonstrations...
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am
Downsizing a bloated government

Downsizing a bloated government

The IMF, economists and political parties are pressuring the government to curtail its own expenditures.
Updated 22 Jul, 2024 10:46am


Sindh Modaraba Management Limited (SMML) announced the appointment of Abdul Rauf Chandio
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am

Stressed at work

In Gallup’s latest State of the Global Workplace report, 41pc of employees report experiencing “a lot of...
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am
Taxes turning milk sour

Taxes turning milk sour

Ensuring access to safe, nutritious milk is not just an economic necessity — it is a moral imperative.
Updated 22 Jul, 2024 08:43am

Living with disabilities

Globally, about 1.3bn people live with a disability — including chronic illnesses, allergies, eating disorders, ...
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am
Data points

Data points

The world’s population is growing more slowly and will peak at a lower level than previously projected, new estimates
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am

Money buys happiness

The difference in happiness and life satisfaction between the richest and middle-income groups is almost three times...
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am

Netflix’s strength

Netflix added 8.05m subscribers in the second quarter of its current fiscal year, a sign of its continued strength ...
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am

Global economic growth

The IMF continues to forecast world economic growth at 3.2pc for this year but raises its forecast for next year to...
Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:32am
Exploring British investment avenues

Exploring British investment avenues

"The reality is that no one is interested in a country besieged by multiple problems without a clear future path."
Updated 22 Jul, 2024 09:52am