Who is profiting from the extreme heat in urban Pakistan? The demand for cooling technologies has opened up profit-making opportunities in Pakistan's largest metropolis. Updated 18 Aug, 2022 06:09pm
The state wants to make Karachi a 'world-class' city. But what's the cost? The poor are being displaced from their homes and work spaces under this development imagination. Updated 21 Aug, 2019 04:19pm
'The woman was stricken as they demolished her house. She went into coma and died' Ten stories about residents who stand to lose their homes as KCR is revived. Updated 29 May, 2019 06:18pm
In Thar, who matters more? Coal companies or Tharis? Tharis are subjected to acute precarity, all in the name of motherland. Updated 11 Jun, 2019 02:03pm
Is PTI’s affordable housing programme just old wine in a new bottle? A progressive approach to affordable housing will require partnerships with community-based groups and local government. Updated 24 Apr, 2019 04:34pm
Cities, climate change and Pakistan’s extended urbanisation Karachi's relationship with the hinterlands or the agrarian-rural and the coastal is undergoing huge transformations. Updated 26 Nov, 2019 09:48am
Terror talk NOWADAYS in Karachi one only has to invoke the spectre of terrorism to clarify how and why violence is enacted.... Published 06 Aug, 2013 07:28am