Today's Paper | June 11, 2024

Published 13 Nov, 2007 12:00am

Protesting students detained, released

ISLAMABAD, Nov 12: Police detained a group of students from elite schools of the city for over one-and-a-half hours after they reached near F-9 Park to protest the emergency rule and curbs on the media.

More than 100 students, aged between 15 and 18 years, assembled at Jinnah Avenue carrying placards and with their mouths shut with black tape at around 3:30pm. The placards were inscribed with slogans like “One coup per dictator”, “Justice for justices”, “Free the media”, “No martial law” and “Restore democracy”, etc.

The protest was also joined by some parents and later representatives of civil society. Later, the protesters made an attempt to march towards the Constitution Avenue and moved into the median of Jinnah Avenue.

As soon as they started the march, a police official asked them to return, but the schoolchildren ignored the directives.

In the meantime, two buses of the Punjab Constabulary along with Elite Force and Islamabad police personnel arrived at the spot and blocked the road from both ends. Besides, the law enforcers also cordoned off the teenagers and asked them to come to the green belt along the road.

After a brief negotiation with the law enforcers, the protesters agreed to disperse; however, the police swooped on the protesters and bundled them into the vans.

The police dragged over 50 students including girls into the vans in a very harsh manner and also resorted to a brief baton charge. On their way to Margalla police station, the police disembarked some of the students after beating them with sticks.

The remaining students were detained at the police station for one-and-a-half-hours. A large number of their friends and representatives of civil society gathered in front of the police station for their release. The protesters were set free at 7pm, when a student’s mother submitted ‘good behaviour bonds’ on their behalf.

Peaceful political protests by students in Islamabad and Lahore after a gap of almost three decades have been seen with interest and fascination throughout the country.

Imposition of emergency by Gen Musharraf has led to political reawakening of the students, who took to streets on their campuses against the move. Even the meek ones in institutions like Numl were not to be left behind and students in some of the departments registered their protests by wearing black bands.

The ban on student unions in educational institutions in the early ‘80s by Gen Zia had led to depoliticisation of the students polity.

The students while shedding political cynicism and indifference that had become hallmark of their community had started participating in political protests during the movement for restoration of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhary following his suspension earlier this year. Their participation had then remained symbolic. However, this time they have returned with full force.

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