Army Public School attack: Pervaiz Akhter (lab assistant) – Age 50
Husband of Sajida Parveen
Children: Wasim Pervaiz (21), Umme Kalsoom (20), Saleem (19), Raheem (14)
Pervaiz Akhter worked as a lab assistant at Army Public School for 20 years. Devoted to the school, students say he was an honest and dedicated worker.
His children remember him as a soft-spoken, kind-hearted father who, despite his limited salary, fulfilled all their demands and needs. He wished for his children to receive a quality education and earn a name for their country.
His son says a widow living nearby the family was unable to afford school uniforms and books for her children, so Pervaiz helped her.
Pervaiz had a good command of Pashto, Urdu and Punjabi, and was known for solving disputes among people in the area, and when someone faced problems they would bring them to him and he would help solve them.
He spent a lot of time discussing different problems and issues with his children and gave them the lion’s share of his time, his son says.
His family still misses his company and weeps for him.

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