Nazir A. Jogezai

Education crisis

Education crisis

Financial support should be a provincial obligation. Published 22 Jul, 2024 07:33am
Education delusion

Education delusion

Reforms are old policies packaged in novel titles. Published 18 May, 2024 06:54am
Neoliberal approach

Neoliberal approach

Neoliberal policies have transformed the role of education. Published 10 Jan, 2024 07:07am
Linguistic maze

Linguistic maze

Education systems either nurture or eradicate languages. Published 02 Dec, 2023 06:58am
Not worth it?

Not worth it?

States are guardians of the rights of citizens. Published 20 Oct, 2023 07:33am
Education trap

Education trap

Learning is closely linked to social status and power. Published 24 Aug, 2023 07:49am
ChatGPT dilemma

ChatGPT dilemma

Our response to ChatGPT shouldn’t be coercive. Updated 22 Jul, 2023 09:42am
Education & EQ

Education & EQ

Exams must go beyond quantifying what has been learnt. Published 20 Jun, 2023 07:19am
Near collapse

Near collapse

Balochistan faces a severe crisis in higher education. Published 02 Jun, 2023 08:12am
A different way

A different way

Our educational reforms have been piecemeal. Published 08 May, 2023 07:28am
Bad ‘education’

Bad ‘education’

Miseducation seeks to enslave children’s minds. Published 23 Feb, 2023 07:43am
Role of HEIs

Role of HEIs

Simply establishing more campuses is no solution. Published 19 Jan, 2023 07:42am
Education crisis

Education crisis

What do disadvantaged students have to go through? Updated 02 Jan, 2023 08:58am
Drain or denial?

Drain or denial?

There is no room for innovative thought in the country. Published 20 Dec, 2022 07:05am
On autopilot

On autopilot

There is no certainty in our education system. Published 26 Nov, 2022 07:45am
School after floods

School after floods

Access to education in Balochistan has worsened... Published 29 Oct, 2022 08:06am
Early education

Early education

Teaching research skills must begin at the school level. Published 07 Sep, 2022 08:48am