Why Pakistan's power woes will get worse The government is doing all the wrong things to fix the poison of circular debt and unaffordable power in the long run. Published 23 Mar, 2015 08:05pm
Remembering the (real) PPP On this day, Bhutto was arrested by Ayub Khan's regime. At that time, PPP was very different from the PPP of today. Updated 14 Nov, 2014 10:12am
Now is the time to absorb Fata into Pakistan Inertia at this juncture may result in the creation of entities much more sinister than the Taliban. Updated 30 Oct, 2014 12:19pm
Just how 'Fit for Purpose' are the Metrobus projects? Here is a question the tax payers of this country can rightfully ask. Updated 07 Oct, 2014 08:24pm
On life support, PPP in Punjab is a setting sun Bereft of ideology, the party is living only on legacy, and is better off withdrawing to rural Sindh. Published 03 Oct, 2014 06:16pm
Pakistan’s 'song of llion' Is General Raheel Sharif willing to deploy 12 divisions of his finest troops for the war against the Taliban? Updated 25 Mar, 2014 12:01am