Turn failure into success Imagine success as a ten-rung ladder: nine of the rungs are going to be failures and only the tenth one will lead ... Published 13 Sep, 2020 06:58am
The power of perspective Think of the popular optical illusion in which you can either see a young lady turning away her face... Published 04 Jul, 2020 06:52am
New decade, new feminism Every year, we celebrate International Women’s Day on the 8th of March, to highlight the wonderful progress we... Published 14 Mar, 2020 07:10am
The science of accomplishment We’ve all gone through the experience of setting ambitious goals for ourselves, following through for a couple of... Published 02 Nov, 2019 07:07am
The right to be quiet We all know them — the quiet ones, the people who speak less and listen more. You might even be one of them. Published 27 Jan, 2018 07:05am
Make gender equality a reality In a few days, the world will be celebrating the International Women’s Day (March 8) to recognise the ... Published 04 Mar, 2017 06:17am
The treasure in books “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island.” —Walt Disney Published 23 Jan, 2016 06:36am
What is intelligence? “AM I smart?” It’s a question that you must have asked yourself at one time or the other. Perhaps it occurred... Published 31 Oct, 2015 07:05am
Story time: Sour grapes, sweet apples IT was at the beginning of the summer holidays that my cousin Lily arrived at our house, whining about how she had... Published 06 Sep, 2014 05:53am
Attitude: Bring justice home “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” —Martin Luther King Jr. IF you had thought that... Published 09 Nov, 2013 07:35am