Amin Valliani

Community service

Community service

Islam enjoins believers to serve the community. Published 13 Sep, 2024 07:23am
Solving problems

Solving problems

Problems may be blessings in disguise. Published 16 Aug, 2024 09:15am
Unity in diversity

Unity in diversity

We are facing challenges in understanding diversity, especially at the national leve. Updated 21 Jun, 2024 09:36am
Role of family

Role of family

Modernisation has brought challenges for families. Published 05 Apr, 2024 08:37am
Created in toil

Created in toil

The burdens we carry can actually lift us up. Published 16 Feb, 2024 08:14am
Prudent living

Prudent living

Simplicity is the habit of living frugally. Published 05 Jan, 2024 07:09am
Rapid growth

Rapid growth

The state should guide people on the ideal family size. Published 13 Oct, 2023 06:58am
Public service

Public service

The job of public servants is a sacred trust. Published 18 Aug, 2023 08:22am
The way to peace

The way to peace

A rigid attitude is an obstacle to peace. Published 07 Jul, 2023 07:32am
A divine sign

A divine sign

Technology reminds us that Allah is the Creator. Published 26 May, 2023 08:02am
Crushing poverty

Crushing poverty

We must struggle to break the poverty trap. Published 14 Apr, 2023 07:58am
Too young to wed

Too young to wed

Child unions devalue the concept of marriage in Islam. Published 03 Mar, 2023 08:15am
Islam & rights

Islam & rights

Allah has honoured mankind with special rights. Published 03 Feb, 2023 07:55am
Food wastage

Food wastage

The Quran enjoins us to be careful in using earth’s resources. Updated 06 Jan, 2023 08:55am
Role of teachers

Role of teachers

Good education is incomplete without good teachers. Published 15 Apr, 2022 07:23am
Winning hearts

Winning hearts

Good deeds can make life immortal. Published 18 Mar, 2022 07:13am
Parenting styles

Parenting styles

Islam provides guidelines for bringing up children. Published 18 Feb, 2022 07:54am
Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution

Islam wants the world to live in peace and harmony. Published 21 Jan, 2022 03:42am
The greatest gift

The greatest gift

Exercising one’s intellect is a demand of faith. Updated 10 Dec, 2021 02:07pm