COLUMN:Marking an absence: fiction from north-east India Women writers challenge and break down the region’s colonial tropes of isolation and violence in their work Published 20 Dec, 2015 07:22am WHATSAPP
REVIEW: In the wake of sorrow:The Ever After of Ashwin Rao Padma Viswanathan intimately explores the impact of the Air India bombing on the Indian Canadian community Published 20 Dec, 2015 07:22am WHATSAPP
REVIEW: Politics of love Inspired by true events in anthropologist Margaret Mead’s life, Euphoria explores the dynamics of relationships Published 04 Oct, 2015 06:37am WHATSAPP
REVIEW: The Comedienne: Funny Girl by Nick Hornby Nick Hornby’s latest novel falls short of the standard set by his popular works, About a Boy and High Fidelity Published 20 Sep, 2015 07:42am WHATSAPP
REVIEW: A sublime story: The Lost Pearl by Lara Zuberi An imaginative and gripping novel by Zuberi Published 20 Sep, 2015 07:42am WHATSAPP
COVER: A witness to history: City of Spies by Sorayya Khan In City of Spies, Sorayya Khan seamlessly blends a character-driven plot with political events in Islamabad in the 1970s Published 06 Sep, 2015 06:48am WHATSAPP
REVIEW: Who you gonna call?: Boo By Neil Smith For a novel about death and the afterlife, Neil Smith’s Boo is anything but dreary Published 23 Aug, 2015 06:37am WHATSAPP
COLUMN: Holy women, waderas, and weapons of the weak Various authors have used their works of fiction to critique and ‘protest’ against patriarchal society in the province Published 16 Aug, 2015 06:02am WHATSAPP
REVIEW: The art of grief: How to be Both (NOVEL) By Ali Smith In her prizewinning novel, Ali Smith gives a commentary on art and explores death Published 16 Aug, 2015 06:02am WHATSAPP
COVER: The Spinner’s Tale by Omar Shahid Hamid Omar Shahid Hamid’s second novel is a page-turner and as engaging as his debut, The Prisoner Published 05 Jul, 2015 06:20am WHATSAPP
REVIEW: A changeling story ELEVEN-year-old Triss wakes up one day to find that she can’t remember everything she should be able to. Of ... Published 08 Mar, 2015 06:58am WHATSAPP