Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

Published 05 Dec, 2011 12:00am

Two injured resisting robbery in Singhpura

LAHORE, Dec 4: Two people suffered gunshot wounds after robbers opened fire on them during a street crime incident in Singhpura locality of Gujjarpura on Sunday.

Gujjarpura SHO Shahid Ali said two robbers, riding a bike, stopped two motorcyclists near Janipura Chowk and tried to loot cash and motorcycle.

As the victims offered resistance and tried to overpower the outlaws, they opened fire and fled after leaving their own motorcycle.

Aamir, 30, and his friend Ameen, 50, both residents of Janipura, suffered wounds and were shifted to Kot Khwaja Saeed Hospital where their condition was stated to be stable.

FOUND MURDERED: Lower Mall police recovered the body of an elderly man from his house in Bilal Ganj and shifted it for autopsy on Sunday.

Police said the victim identified as 60-year-old Rehmat Ali was found dead with a rope around his neck.

Lower Mall SHO Muhammad Sarwar said one of the two sons of the victim got registered a case against unidentified people who entered their house and killed their father over some property dispute.

He, however, said preliminary police inquiry showed that Rehmat, who was a property dealer, had kicked out his two sons after contracting second marriage a few days ago.

He said Rehmat’s murder could be a family matter. Further investigation is under way.

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