Today's Paper | June 14, 2024

Published 10 Aug, 2011 09:56pm

Yasin Malik sees more Kashmir violence if peace drive fails

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan and India must focus on resolving their dispute over Kashmir by capitalising on newly-built trust or risk a new wave of militancy in the divided region, one of Kashmir's most influential separatist leaders said on Wednesday.

Foreign ministers of Pakistan and India sounded unexpectedly positive after talks in New Delhi last month, hailing a “new era” of friendlier and more stable ties and vowing to fight militancy and boost trade and travel.

Yasin Malik, head of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), said Kashmiris welcomed the resumption of the peace process between Pakistan and India, stalled since the 2008 Mumbai attacks, but said it must deliver a settlement.

“Now is the right time to focus on the solution,” Malik told Reuters. “There should be a timeframe for the process and it should not be a waste of time, as happened in the past.”

Nearly 50,000 people have been killed in Indian-administered Kashmir since the start of an insurgency in the late 1980s.

Militant violence has fallen to its lowest levels since that time, but the region is still seething with anti-Indian sentiment.

Last summer more than 100 people were killed in large demonstrations for independence, mostly by police bullets.

Malik warned that peaceful protests could turn violent if Pakistan and India failed to resolve the Kashmir dispute.

“There is a big risk factor (if the talks fail). You may be pushing these boys again to the violent path.”

Malik said many Kashmiris and many of his own friends had resented his decision to renounce violence. But he said this year's revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia proved that freedom could be won through peaceful means.

“There is no support for militant movements in the world right now. You have to keep your (political) movement alive, and this is what we are trying to do.”

Nonetheless, he said Pakistan and India should involve militant groups as well as the Kashmiri leadership in the peace process.

“This is not a border dispute that the two countries decide. It is the question of the future of a civilised and educated nation. They (Kashmiris) are not animals who listen to decisions about their fate on television and radio.”

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