Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

Published 18 Feb, 2011 07:18am

Davis case: LHC orders arrest of US car’s driver

LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Friday ordered the arrest of the driver of a US vehicle that struck and killed Ibadur Rehman, a Pakistani citizen, while rushing to help an American detained in a pair of fatal shootings, a lawyer for the victim's family said.

The arrest warrant could add to the tensions surrounding the case of the shooter, Raymond Allen Davis. The US insists he was acting in self-defence against robbers and qualifies for diplomatic immunity because he worked for the embassy.

The odds of Pakistani police detaining the people in the US car are low. Authorities say they do not know who was in the vehicle, and the Americans have said little on the matter, other than admitting the car was driven by US Embassy staff.

The LHC judge's order could be a means of pressuring the US to produce the driver, who has not been identified. But it's highly unlikely that any Americans involved in the traffic accident are still in Pakistan. Employees of the US mission who get into trouble are typically on the first plane out of the country.

It's also possible the driver was a Pakistani. US Embassy spokeswoman Courtney Beale on Friday declined to comment on the order other than saying the vehicular incident ''is under investigation''.

Lawyer Asad Manzoor Butt said the family of the struck bystander, Ibadur Rehman, filed a petition with the LHC seeking to bring attention to his death, which has received far less scrutiny than the deaths of the two men shot earlier on January 27 in Lahore.

LHC Chief Justice, Ejaz Chaudhry issued the arrest order, Butt said. On Thursday, the same court gave Pakistan's government three more weeks to determine if Davis has diplomatic immunity as America claims.

Pakistan's government is in a tough spot. If it releases Davis, it risks angering violent elements in its population — including the Taliban, who have threatened to attack any official involved in letting Davis go. The ruling party also risks further alienating voters already unhappy with its performance.

But to keep Davis in prison is to anger the United States, which provides Pakistan with billions in aid but also needs its cooperation to take on militants who use its soil to plan attacks in Afghanistan and the West.

The US has begun curbing diplomatic contacts and threatened to withhold aid if Davis is not freed, with US President Barack Obama stressing the importance of upholding agreements covering diplomatic immunity.

Davis faces potential murder charges. He is in a Pakistani jail and is on a list barring him from leaving the country, officials said.

The US says Davis is part of the embassy's ''administrative and technical staff''. That indicates he might have been a security official and helps explain his possession of a gun. Pakistanis have focused on him being an ex-Special Forces soldier who helps run an American ''protective services'' company.

The US says he is an embassy employee but was on temporary duty at the consulate in Lahore. That has added to the confusion about his status since employees assigned to consulates do not always get the same level of diplomatic protection as those assigned to embassies.

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