Today's Paper | June 02, 2024

Published 15 Jun, 2010 12:00am

Refugee poll finds Britain `welcoming`

LONDON The majority of refugees and asylum seekers feel the average person in Britain welcomes them, according to an opinion poll published on Sunday.

The rare survey of the views of asylum seekers themselves, which was commissioned by the charity Refugee Action to mark the start of Refugee Week on Sunday, shows that what they enjoy most about living in Britain are the people, football, the multicultural society and British television.

When asked which characteristics they thought best represented the British people the most popular answers were “friendly”, “polite”, and “obsessed with football”. A quarter of refugees and asylum seekers also see the British as “hard working” and “kind” with only 10 per cent describing them as “reserved” or “complaining”.

More than half the 327 refugees and asylum seekers interviewed by Ipsos Mori said they either “strongly agreed” or “tended to agree” the average British person welcomes refugees to the UK.

The refugees say what they most value about living in Britain are human rights and freedom of speech, with a safe society coming a strong third.

Half of all those interviewed for the survey about life in Britain said that they were big admirers of the Queen. Surprisingly, Princess Diana is admired almost as much among asylum seekers and refugees, with David Beckham ranked a close third.

Half of those surveyed had refugee status and half were asylum seekers waiting for a decision on their claim living across Britain from a range of countries including Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Afghanistan.

Peter Yoak, a refugee from Sudan who lives in Greater Manchester, told Refugee Action “I find that most British people I meet are welcoming, friendly and polite. Of course you find a couple who are not like that but that is the same everywhere. As a nation though, I think Brits are tolerant and kind.

“The Queen is a respected public figure the world over and I am a big admirer of hers,” said Yoak. “I am also a huge Beckham fan because he is an ambassador for British football and will lead the country's campaign for England to host the 2018 England World Cup. He is also a good family man.”

Only 18 per cent of those who took part in the poll said they disagreed with the statement that the average person in Britain welcomed asylum seekers, with 6 per cent saying they “strongly disagreed”.

However, 45 per cent felt that British people could be more understanding about why they had fled their home country and 19 per cent said they would feel more welcome if people smiled or said hello in the street.

Jill Roberts, Refugee Action's chief executive, said “This is a very positive poll and challenges a number of perceptions of the refugee experience in the UK. It's clear that whatever issues remain in relation to public policy, the day-to-day experience of individual asylum seekers is broadly defined by public tolerance and acceptance, not suspicion or hostility.

“Refugees obviously continue to face significant challenges, but the fact that they find British people so welcoming is hugely encouraging.”

An ICM poll for the British Red Cross also published to coincide with Refugee Week shows one in four British people still believe asylum seekers come to the UK to claim social benefits. The ICM survey of the British public show 57 per cent believe asylum seekers are given up to GBP100 a week in vouchers to cover their living expenses when the reality is that they receive accommodation and vouchers worth GBP35 a week.Ipsos Mori interviewed 327 asylum seekers or refugees aged 16 or over face to face between 27 April and 28 May 2010 in 29 centres used by refugee organisations across Britain. All had been in the UK for three months or more since making an asylum claim when they were interviewed. Data is not weighted.—Dawn/The Guardian News Service

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