Today's Paper | June 10, 2024

Published 22 Feb, 2005 12:00am

Japan provides relief goods for rain victims

ISLAMABAD, Feb 21: The Japanese government has provided emergency assistance to Pakistan for the people suffering from the devastation caused by recent heavy rains and snowfall.

According to a press release issued by the Japanese embassy here on Monday, the relief goods, consisting 150 tents (six people per tent), 3,000 blankets and 20 rolls of plastic sheet worth 21 million yen ($200,000), arrived at the Islamabad International Airport on Sunday.

The relief goods were formally handed over by Japanese Ambassador Nobuaki Tanaka to Federal Cabinet Secretary Ijaz Rahim. The goods will be transported to the needy by the emergency relief cell of the Cabinet Division.

The government and the people of Japan heard with great sorrow about the colossal loss of valuable human lives and damage to houses and livestock in the wake of heavy rains in Balochistan and snowfall in the NWFP, Northern Areas and Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the press release said.

At present, many people whose houses have been destroyed are forced to face harsh weather conditions and are living under open sky in extremely difficult circumstances. The Japanese relief assistance is aimed at helping these displaced people.

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