Today's Paper | June 01, 2024

Published 14 Dec, 2004 12:00am

Democratic institutions functioning well: PM

ISLAMABAD, Dec 13: Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has said that democratic institutions in the country were functioning well and playing their role in setting traditions to provide a democratically stable environment.

Speaking as chief guest at the All Pakistan Newspapers Society's (APNS) 17th awards ceremony at a hotel here on Tuesday evening, the premier said there was great responsibility on the media to help build a strong Pakistan.

The government, he said, realised the significance of smooth and continue political process for the nation to progress and develop and it was striving to strengthen democratic institutions and create political stability.

He said he had already met the leader of the opposition and was ready to invite all political leaders to discuss and resolve the issues facing us. He said the government believed in freedom of expression and it had provided this freedom to the press during the last five years.

Mr Aziz said: "We understand that democracy and the press are integral parts of the process of society's development and that the freedom of press and information strengthens democracy and political institutions." He said freedom of information was an important ingredient for growth as openness led to good governance and transparency brought with it fairness.

He said that while the government valued contribution of the press in educating people about economic, political, social and other issues, there was also a need to recognise the paradigm shift in the media, particularly in view of the emergence of a large number of private TV channels.

He supported the APNS idea of setting up an institute to train journalists in economic, foreign, defence, social and other policy areas. He announced that the government also was setting up a university of media sciences where opportunities for training of newspaper employees would be available.

He said his government was deepening the culture of good governance which was possible only when all the three stakeholders, the government, the media and the public, pursued common objectives and aspirations.

He said that although the freedom of information ordinance had been promulgated with the objective of providing information and transparency, still if there were constructive and concrete suggestions to improve the law, it could be done with mutual understanding.

He agreed with the urgency expressed about formation of a press council and said that soon a chairman would be appointed to make it functional in due course. The premier also agreed with idea of restructuring the ministry of information, saying that his government was in the process of making departments of the ministry more efficient tools to disseminate information.

He said the advertisements policy of the government would be given a fresh look and entire structure of the media list and distribution of advertisements would be reviewed.

He promised that the demand for exemption of newspapers from 15 per cent sales tax on import of newsprint and 5 per cent withholding tax would be favourably considered at the time of budget.

Similarly, he said, every possible help would be extended in construction of the APNS house whether it was required from Sindh government or the Centre. He appreciated the performance of the advertisement industry and termed it an active partner in economic progress.

Earlier, Federal Minister for Information Sheikh Rahid Ahmed requested the APNS to go to some lengths about the implementation of 7th Wage Board award by leaving aside their court cases.

He said he was going to be grilled on this issue again in the next National Assembly session. He asked the 34 applicants of cross-media television channels to launch their channels as the government had given provisional permission to 37 channels, with three of them having availed themselves of the permission.

In his address of welcome, APNS president Mr Arif Nizami highlighted the achievements and problems being faced by the newspaper industry. Later, the prime minister distributed awards and cash prizes among winners from the advertisement and newspapers industry.

PTOTEST MARCH: Meanwhile, journalists and newspaper employees of Rawalpindi and Islamabad held a protest demonstration and staged a sit-in against non-implementation of the 7th Wage Board Award outside the hotel where the APNS awards ceremony was being held.

The protesters started their march from Aabpara and dispersed after handing over a memorandum to Minister of State for Information Anisazeb Tahirkheli. A heavy contingent of police tried at two points to stop the protesters from marching towards the hotel. At one point, police resorted to a mild baton-charge.

However, after discussions between Ms Tahirkheli and press secretary to the prime minister Ashfaq Gondal with representatives of the newspaper employees, the district administration allowed the protesters to continue their march. The minister accompanied the protesters and announced that the government would take every step for the implementation of the wage award.

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