Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 30 Oct, 2004 12:00am

Five options discussed with US authorities: Greater access to markets

ISLAMABAD, Oct 29: Pakistan has worked out a detailed strategy for greater access to the markets of the United States and European Union (EU) member countries. Federal Commerce Minister Humayun Akhtar Khan said on Friday that to formally start preparation for getting market access, a detailed presentation was given to the President General Pervez Musharaff the other day.

Talking to Dawn the commerce minister said that for increasing export of Pakistani products to the US around five options were being considered in the strategy. He, however, did not disclose the five options for seeking market access to the US markets.

"We have already discussed these options with the US authorities. This will probably be considered after the US election," he said. The minister said that President Musharraf has been requested to take up the issue of market access with the US authorities at highest level.

The minister quoting the president as saying that increase in the economic activity would help reduce poverty and curb extremism through socio-economic development at gross root level.

The president further said better economic opportunities would also help in eradicating extremist elements involving in terrorist activities in the country. Regarding getting access to the new generalised system of preferences (GSP of EU, the minister said that Pakistan was well prepared to qualify for the minimum requirements of the scheme.

Pakistan has already qualified for the general GSP scheme -some percentage of reduction in duties on products - but Islamabad was making preparation for entering into the GSP plus scheme-zero rate of duty.

Mr Khan said that the minimum requirements for qualifying for GSP plus scheme were very stringent but hoped that the revised draft of the commission would carry some relaxation in conditions for the developing countries.

He said that the president has been requested to take up the issue of GSP with the EU authorities, what he said necessary for getting some benefits in shape of more access to EU markets

Mr Khan said that Islamabad had already communicated to the EU and the US authorities for seeking greater market access for their products as the country had suffered greatly from the war on terror since 9/11.

He said that due to war on terror, the cost of transportation in Pakistan has increased manifold, insurance gone up. Above all the issuance of travel advisory by the EU and the US has halted the visit of EU and US businessmen to Pakistan.

"We need to be compensated for all these. If they do not provide market access for our products, then extremism might get momentum in Pakistan," the minister said.

The minister linked the economic development in Pakistan with reduction in extremism, which he said could only be possible following providing duty free access to Pakistani products in the EU member countries and the US.

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