Today's Paper | June 17, 2024

Published 24 Apr, 2004 12:00am

Streak defiant as Zimbabwe stalemate continues

HARARE, April 23: Former captain Heath Streak and batsman Grant Flower, the two most senior rebelling Zimbabwe white cricketers, on Friday rejected a latest effort at conciliation by the Zimbabwe Cricket Union.

The ZCU made an offer Thursday of a "mediation mechanism" that might resolve a strike which is causing immense damage to the sport and to racial harmony within it. The ZCU suggested independent arbitration and mentioned a prominent Zimbabwe businessman Much Masunda as mediator. Masunda runs an organisation set up for such purposes.

In return the players were expected to turn out for practice and to make themselves available for selection to the national side that will play Sri Lanka in the third of five international matches at Harare Sports Club on Sunday while the arbitration process is set up.

Streak and Flower turned down the proposal outright according to a source close to the ZCU. They agreed, however, to speak to colleagues. But by late Thursday they had made no further contact with the Union.

Efforts to reach the players' lawyer-representative Chris Venturas were unsuccessful. He is said to be in South Africa and not reachable. Other players are holidaying in various parts of the country. A frustrated ZCU executive consequently does not expect any of them to show up prior to the scheduled selection panel meeting Saturday morning to choose the next team.

The strike of white players began three weeks ago when they saw the removal of captain Heath Streak as a sacking by the board. They also claimed that some selections to recent Zimbabwe teams as racially motivated and part of a "quota" system to bring in more black players.

The ZCU refused to budge over what they called Streak's resignation, resulting in the impasse. Under a previous instruction, the 15 whites were ordered "as employees" to report for practice and make themselves available, or face suspension and possible dismissal.

The deadline, which has not been amended as part of the latest move, is May 7, the second day of the first Test match against Sri Lanka at Harare Sports Club here. -AFP

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