Today's Paper | June 16, 2024

Published 14 Feb, 2004 12:00am

National stock exchange to be formed

ISLAMABAD, Feb 13: Islamabad Stock Exchange chairman Omer Iqbal Pasha on Friday said: "We are heading towards integration and establishing one national stock exchange to integrate all the trading activities in the country."

Talking to APP here on Friday, he said the ISE had necessary infrastructure and facilities for its clients and its services were on a par with stock exchanges at Karachi and Lahore.

He said volume at the ISE was increasing gradually with the improvement of economic conditions and owing to commendable policies of the present government. All the economic indicators are showing upward trend, exhibiting stability in the national economy, he added.

Mr Pasha said the stock market would soon achieve the ambitious target of 5,000-point mark provided no untoward incident takes place and prevailing situation remain intact.

"With crossing over 4,900-point mark, the market is progressing well and recording positive note every day," he added. Mr Pasha said ISE was also improving its position as public interest was increasing day by day and the number of brokers was increasing and they were fully active and operating.

"The ISE will soon become a big stock market and play an enhanced role in the economic activities of the country." He said the ISE would be expanding its networking to facilitate buyers, encouraging them to enhance their activities.

He said the Islamabad Stock Exchange had set up an information centre for the guidance of its clients providing them necessary information for carrying out trading business. "We are also trying to establish a liaison between the investors and the businessmen."

New companies will be listed at the exchange, raising the existing strength to 300 companies during the current year in a substantial manner, stated the chairman. At present, he added, the trading volume was around Rs10m which was expected to surge in a sizable way. -APP

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