Today's Paper | June 03, 2024

Published 22 Apr, 2008 12:00am

Ambassador’s captors drop key demand

PESHAWAR, April 21: Militants holding Pakistan’s Ambassador to Afghanistan have dropped their demand for the release of a detained Taliban leader, but insist that the government should free at least five of their colleagues before they would let Tariq Azizuddin go.

A highly-placed source, requesting anonymity, told Dawn that the militants wanted the release of five or six people, who were all in government custody and involved in suicide bombings and other terrorist activities in Pakistan.

“The demand for the release of Taliban leader Mullah Obaidullah had figured earlier also during negotiations for the release of over 200 army hostages. But they realised that this was something that was not open to negotiations and they relented,” the source said.

“The militants reiterated the same demand and were clearly told that it was non-negotiable and they have dropped the demand,” the source, privy to negotiations, said. He said that the militants were now seeking the release of their comrades, including an Afghan man.

He, however, denied that the militants were demanding the release of Lal Masjid cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz or some other people mentioned in various press reports.

He was optimistic that the matter would soon be resolved.

“The militants appear to be in a hurry as they seem to be worried about the ambassador’s health condition.”

The source said that the militants had taken the custody of the ambassador, his driver and bodyguard from local criminals in the Khyber Agency and later shifted them to another tribal region, after moving them through the Orakzai Agency. “He is held by Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan”, he claimed.

APP adds: Tariq Azizuddin is safe and in good health and efforts for his release are under way, according to Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

“I met with Mr Azizuddin’s wife and brother; I assured them that the government is engaged in serious efforts for his release,” he said in Islamabad.

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