Today's Paper | June 03, 2024

Published 26 Sep, 2007 12:00am

NWFP calls for army deployment in Swat

SWAT, Sept 25: The NWFP government has called for deployment of troops at 12 sensitive points in the Swat district to keep law and order, official sources said.

It is learnt that Chief Secretary Sahibzada Riaz Noor has sent a letter to Peshawar Corps Commander Lt. Gen Masood Aslam, requesting him to initially deploy troops at three sensitive points and subsequently at 12 points. An official told to Dawn that the army was yet to take a decision in this regard.

The situation in the scenic Swat valley has been deteriorating since July and four incidents of suicide bombings have taken place, three of them targeting the law-enforcement agencies.

Police have stopped patrolling in the district and most of the police posts have been vacated. There are also reports that scores of policemen have deserted the force and have gone back to their homes. Policemen have mostly been using private vehicles.

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